Cacao Somatic Liberation

Cacao Somatic Liberation

Somatic Liberation

This is a heart/body/soul experience that allows you to connect to, feel, unwind and release what has been repressed and controls your life experience from your subconscious. Create more space within, shift the mechanisms that hold you back from what you want and connect to more power, acceptance and self-love. 

Potent alternative to talk therapy, this approach trusts the body's innate wisdom to provide a path to liberation. Somatisation is the expression of our subconscious mechanisms and emotions as physical (somatic) sensations. Everything we experience is imprinted in our body, our nervous system and our cells, and can show up as sensations such as contractions, pressure, etc. In a somatic liberation session, we meet these sensations and felt-senses with curiosity, trusting that what is ready to be felt and released will show up.

This session can be done with or without ceremonial cacao.

* Make it a ritualistic heart-opening experience with ceremonial cacao

Choose to be held by the nurturing energy of ceremonial cacao for your session. Drinking a cup of this 100% theobroma cacao (sources locally here, in Costa Rica) will support you in relaxing and connecting at a deeper level with your heart, intuition, sensations and emotions.